Commemoration Battle of San Martino and Solferino
Sunday, June 28, 2015
The program for the celebration of ‘anniversary of the Battle of Solferino and San Martino is the route taken by the City of Desenzano, from that of Solferino and the company Solferino and San Martino, to provide coordination and unity initiatives in the territory of the two municipalities.
The commemoration involves the two municipalities with some events that bring these important days in the history of Italy.
At Solferino held
Parade of the Departments, the deployment of troops in the field, Pass in review of Napoleon III, Vittorio Emanuele II and Franz Joseph, presentation of the Historical Groups.
In San Martino
Each event has a place in one of the three strands ideals
– THE MEMORY The military honors, the institutional celebrations, the meetings of the Red Cross help us to rediscover the core values of the Risorgimento.
– TRACKS Through studies, books and artistic expression, we re-read the traces that the battle has left in history and landscape.
– PEOPLES The music, folklore, sports, are topics for the knowledge of the anniversary